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Kanji and Vocabulary

Basic Japanese Conversation

Japanese conversation introduce yourself

Introducing yourself

Nail the basics of self-introduction in Japanese conversations

Japanese conversation hobbies


Discuss your interests with ease

Japanese conversation weather

What is the weather like?

Learn Japanese phrases for weather-related conversations

Japanese conversation how are you

Asking How Someone Is

Inquire about someone's well-being

Japanese conversation order at restaurant

Order at a restaurant

Master Japanese restaurant etiquette and ordering expressions

Japanese conversation go shopping

Go shopping

Explore essential Japanese phrases for shopping interactions

Japanese conversation ask for help

Ask for help

Gain confidence in seeking assistance in Japanese

Japanese conversation first date

First date

Navigate a first date conversation in Japanese with finesse.

Japanese conversation food

I like sushi

Express preferences using Japanese language skills

Japanese conversation activities

What are we doing today?

Plan activities for the day

Japanese conversation directions

Basic Directions

Learn essential navigation phrases